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  • Writer's pictureHeather Greer

Hazel's Wish List

As many of you already know, Hazel was forced to move from a mold-infested apartment and had to part with most of her belongings. Below is a list of items still needed to help Hazel's house feel like home.

- Air Purifier: In addition to the necessities listed below, Hazel also is in desperate need of an air purifier, per her medical doctor, to help improve her health. Her doctor’s recommendation is specifically for a full size arid purifier from Molekule.

- Radiant Heaters: Winter is coming (And this is no fantasy series)! Only after Hazel and her mother moved into their new home, did we learn that the heating system is much too noisy for Hazel’s sensitive ears. When we tested it, the high pitch whistling (which may seem within the normal range for some of us) sent Hazel into an injured panic; the sound hurt her head so much she begged us to turn it off. For this reason, we are asking that Hazel and her mother be gifted quiet radiating heaters. I have listed a few options below for you to consider.

- Various Household Items: To avoid bringing mold spores into her new home, Hazel was required to start over with all new clothing, linens, furniture, kitchen items, office and art supplies, and both small and large appliances.

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